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As an avid rider originally from the Western Washington area turned Princeville property manager, I feel it’s my duty to share some of the tips I’ve leaned here on Kauai. If you rent a Princeville Vacation rental from us here on the North shore and expect to get in a large block of miles it may be difficult due to the location and all the vegetation. Here we regularly have plants and grasses that grow so fast that the county can’t keep… The roads are sometimes unrideable. This is about all you are gonna get for space.

I would recommend going to North Shore Bike Doktor Hanalei and renting some MTN bikes. Let’s face it, if you are interested in getting in some serious road miles, you may want to head over to Maui or Big Island after your stay here on Kauai. The roads just have so much moss and such little shoulder I can’t honestly say that road riding on the North Shore is a good idea.

Once you get those full suspension machines, dawn your least favorite gear (it’s gonna be red and muddy soon) and head to the trails. Here are some tips for trails: Powerline, Anahola, Moalepe, Coconut Coast Path.

If you are not deterred by these warnings and have no fear of the roads, here’s a great route to ride. Princeville to Kapaa and back gives you hills, views, an option to to to Moloaa beach to take a break from busy Kuhio Hwy etc. Pardon my candid comments on the Strava activity screenshot below but it’s true. This particular day I was busy dodging lumber and all sorts of sharp objects. It was gnarly!

Kapaa has an amazing path that  you can ride for hours but it’s not too long. If you want to add miles I’d suggest heading up Kuamo’o or down through Lydgate to Nawiliwili harbor.

Ke Ala Hele Makalae is the name of the path but you can just call it the “Kauai Path”. It’s a tongue twister! There’s a great shop (Kauai Cycle) located along the path for renting a trusty steed.

Here are a couple more places to read about Kauai cycling:


If you have specific questions about roads or wanna invite me on a ride with you (haahahaa) my number is 808-755-5866. I’m always interested in meeting new people and enjoying some time in the saddle!

Mahalo Nui,

Billy O’
